Category Archives: Music

Folk Machine Tocai Friulano with Wild Belle

Folk Machine Tocai Friulano

Alas, the weather is getting warmer and I’ve been listening to Wild Belle’s Isles album on repeat.

 Listening to Wild Belle makes you feel like you are supposed to be on some sort of island beach in a tropical, psychedelic haze. Now add a glass of Folk Machine Tocai Friulano to the mix and we’ve got the perfect summer day. Folk Machine Tocai Friulano, is a super crisp, citrusy white with bold tropical fruit notes.

Folk Machine Tocai Friulano is the brainchild of Thai-American “skateboarder gone winemaker” Kenny Likitprakong. He makes non-traditional, unique and edgy lineup of wines. We think this wine is just the ticket for a hot summer day with Wild Belle.


93.5KDAY with OPP Pinot Noir

pinot Noir OPP

Pour one out for 93.5KDAY with OPP, a Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley.  It’s spicy, earthy and tastes like a rich man’s pinot, for under $20.  By the time you read this hopefully you will not be attempting to tune in and only hear Chinese talk radio.  Coincidentally after deciding to pair OPP with this radio station it was bought up and various news outlets are reporting the outlook is not looking good for the future of KDAY radio, the first radio station in the country to exclusively play hip hop.

This red called OPP, is named after the song from Naughty by Nature.  Back in the day, 1991.

“O is for Other, P is for People scratchin’ temple

The last P…well…that’s not that simple

It’s sorta like another way to call a cat a kitten

It’s five little letters that are missin’ here”

The last P is for Pinot you sick fuck.

Mouton Noir is a two-fold lifestyle project producing both a T-Shirt line and Oregon wines. Founded by sommelier André Hueston Mack in 2007, both ends of Mouton Noir incorporate a trademark attitude and personal perspective on wine subculture.

