Summer Porch Drinking and La Boutanche Sauvignon Blanc

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Wait, is it September? Is summer already over? Is my life flashing before my eyes? The older I get, the quicker seasons go by. I feel like I’ll blink and there will be Christmas tinsel and trinkets everywhere. Life in your late-twenties folks, you’re acutely aware of how fast life moves. SIGH.

In my denial of summer ending, I decided to crack open a refreshing bottle of La Boutanche Sauvignon Blanc on the porch. Let’s talk about why this wine is sure to lift you out of your “end of summer blues.” Firstly, take a look. A little closer. Yes, you are correct. The label has a drawing of a fish seemingly dressed as some sort of Echo Park hipster pouring wine all over its head, because that’s how fish drink french wine, duh. Secondly, this La Boutanche is that perfect thirst quenching bottle of crisp and citrusy white wine to fight Los Angeles summer heat. I mean, we’re in a drought folks, let’s hold off on the water.

La Boutanche Summer Porch

Imported by Selection Massale, La Boutanche hails from Loire Valley in France, which has to be one of my favorite regions for wine. Winemaker Frantz Saumon is responsible for this little gem, and has been making wine since the early 2000s, harvesting grapes from his own land in Montlouis. Super small production and carefully crafted wine for $15.

Enjoy folks, and cheers to the end of summer.
