Tag Archives: Bulleit

Joshua Tree and Whiskey Hot Chocolate


Ain’t it a beauty? Joshua Tree. The desert Dr. Seuss illustration that never was, it is a stunning, funky looking place. I love coming to Joshua Tree on weekends because it’s so close to LA, but couldn’t be a more different environment. After days of traffic, smog, and chia seeds (or whatever people in LA are eating these days), an escape to Joshua Tree is the perfect getaway.

This past year I’ve been camping a lot more than I have in the past, and my boyfriend always brings around an odd, but satisfying fireside drink. Whiskey and hot chocolate! I thought it was a weird concoction at first, but now it’s synonymous with camping to me. I know, a detour from wine, but sometimes winos drink whiskey too!

Whiskey Hot Chocolate Joshua Tree

Pictured is my lovely friend Christine, “candidly” drinking our campside whiskey and hot chocolate.