Tag Archives: The Interestings

“The Interestings” and Proof Wine Collective

The Interestings

I picked up “The Interestings” at the LA Times Festival of Books a while back and have enjoyed escaping into Meg Wolitzer’s intricate, human, and damn funny world. “The Interestings” starts in the summer of 1974 with a group of 15 year-olds huddled together in a teepee at an art camp called Spirit in the Woods. This newly formed crew vows to fulfill their creative destinies as grown ups, calling themselves “The Interestings.” In their trajectory into adulthood, as it does for many, creative dreams work out for some, and not for others. Wolitzer’s humorous and witty take at what it means to face reality as an adult makes for a great read. Add a glass of wine from a bottle designed by Proof Wine Collective and you’ve reached perfection.

My wine pairing with “The Interestings” has nothing to do with the actual wine, but rather the bottle. I look to Proof Wine Collective, a very hip design company that creates killer wine packaging and labels. San Luis Obispo based Proof Wine Collective started with wino artists Josh McFadden and Philip Muzzy, who make true works of art out of their wine bottles.

